Recently while loading up equipment and getting ready for the days mowing schedule, I started as I do every morning by refueling my equipment before loading onto the trailer. Only this time I had the unfortunate experience that happens all too often. A big messy, and smelly fuel spill. After a brief investigation, I discovered that the flexible fuel spout on my fuel can had cracked on one of the pleats. This was due to repeated bending from trying to get it into the equipment fuel tanks, while doing my best not to spill fuel. Soon frustration set in as I realized that this was now the second time in just a week that a fuel can spout had failed on me. I thought to myself that there had to be a better fuel can available. I then remembered a radical new fuel can I had seen on social media that had been popping up everywhere on my Instagram feed. A quick search of social media revealed it to be the SureCan.

I visited the company website at surecanusa.com, I learned that they are built in the U.S.A. and backed by a one year warranty. I also found that they offered this new revolutionary fuel can design in two sizes. A large 5 gallon, and a smaller 2.2 gallon size. Along with the size choices, the cans are also available in three colors. Red for gasoline, Yellow for Diesel, and blue for kerosene.

I visited the company website at surecanusa.com, I learned that they are built in the U.S.A. and backed by a one year warranty. I also found that they offered this new revolutionary fuel can design in two sizes. A large 5 gallon, and a smaller 2.2 gallon size. Along with the size choices, the cans are also available in three colors. Red for gasoline, Yellow for Diesel, and blue for kerosene.
Now my initial reaction upon receiving the SureCans was that this was a very well made product, and that this was unlike every other fuel can on the market that just tries to introduce some newfangled spout on an ordinary fuel can. SureCan had completely re-thought how a fuel can should look and operate. The design utilizes a permanently fixed, fully articulating spout mounted at the front side, near the bottom of the can. At the top of the fuel can, in front of the built-in molded handle, you will find a thumb controlled lever to release and control the rate of the fuel flow. This lever also incorporates a safety latch to prevent accidental fuel spillage. The articulating spout is stored in the upright position, and clips into the side of the fuel can in a ergonomically molded built-in divot. The top of the spout features a safety cap, much like the ones found on a pill bottle, with a built-in tether to prevent misplacement. On the top rear of the can you’ll find a large fill cap with built-in safety tab for refilling the can.

The SureCan design by contrast is great because you never have to come in contact with the smelly fuel. In fact with the 2.2 gallon size, you can even use it single-handedly to refuel your machines. Now you can probably see why I really love my new SureCan so far, but in an effort to be unbiased, If I had to offer one criticism, it would be that I wish SureCan would also offer a smaller 1 gallon size. I find the one gallon size cans perfect for using with mixed fuel for two-stroke power equipment, such as line trimmers, chain saws, and leaf blowers etc. Besides that, at least initially there is not much negative I can say about them. Originally after first seeing pictures I thought that it’s lack of a clear site window to allow you to see how much fuel is in the SureCan would be an obvious negative, but after using it, I can assure you the entire unit is translucent enough to allow an easy view of the fuel. The SureCan is also priced higher than any other competing gas can I could find, but considering the innovative design, with many more parts, and the fact that it is made in the U.S.A. and backed by a one year warranty, I think the price is worth it. Also if it solves all the previous problems I’ve had with traditional gas cans, then how can you go wrong? So can they replace all the previous fuel can designs that have come before them, and be a great addition for any homeowner, or professional landscaper, or power sports enthusiast? They SureCan.
We would love to hear your story about how the SureCan has helped make your life a little bit easier. Each month we will feature a new SureCan Story, please submit yours by emailing us at Info@sureCanUSA.com and don't forget to include pictures!